Photo Credit: Photo Courtesy of Dr. Daisy AyimMy greatest achievement:
Constantly pursuing the best version of myself whether personally or professionally with kindness and calmness as core to all my milestones both short and long term. My driven mindset to live a passionate life and give my craft the best version of myself resonates with clients or anyone that interacts with me.
Most requested procedures:
Awake Liposuction, Bodytite, Facetite, Tummy Tuck, Mommy Makeover, Breast Augmentation, Labiaplasty, Hymenoplasty, Fat Transfer
Surgical advancements I'm excited about:
The use of minimally invasive technology to produce surgical-like results without scars, minimal downtime and amazing results.
Most memorable patient reaction:
The most memorable reaction is when client says I love it with a smile and eyes light up. This type of glow is immeasurable and fulfilling. It makes my job so worthwhile to have such an impact on someone.
What I love most about my profession:
The junction of science, art and medicine is so beautifully intertwined in cosmetic surgery. I l love the interactions and trust clients have for me. It is an amazing feeling to see others feel even more beautiful and so worth it.
New services I'm excited to offer:
Radiofrequency energy is an amazing technology that does scarless tummy tuck, non-surgical facelift, advanced skin tightening results on face, body and vulva. Bodytite, Facetite, Morpheus8 and votiva are radiofrequency platforms currently offered in my practice. My practice was the first to use Votiva in Houston and one of the exclusive cosmetic practice in Houston offering such a robust technology platform as fantastic alternative to surgery. My aesthetic feminine plastic procedures such as hymenoplasty, labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, perineoplasty or any vulva procedures are always an exciting part of my portfolio.
The future of my field:
The future of my field is more preventative than curative. This means that clients are savvier about their needs and science has fulfilled that desire with advances to delay the aging process. Non-surgical cosmetic procedures are more in demand and my practice stays current with the trend.
The biggest misconception about my field:
While cosmetic surgery both surgical and non-surgical is a great solution. It has to be part of a healthy lifestyle which also incorporates nutrition and exercise. This trifecta approach is the best way to have sustainable results.
I am most known for:
I am known for body contouring such as awake liposuction, Bodytite or tummy tuck, sculpting the face with Facetite and non-surgical technique and aesthetic feminine plastic procedures such hymenoplasty, labiaplasty or fat transfer.
What sets my practice apart:
my practice is trailblazing to combine cosmetic surgery with years of gynecologic background. My understanding of a woman's body and anatomy wrapped with my extensive experience allows colleagues to seek me as a thought leader and collaborator.
My career defining procedure:
Liposuction, Bodytite, Facetite, Lipoabdominoplasty, Labiaplasty, Hymenoplasty, mommy makeover and fat transfer.
For more information, visit Dr. Daisy Ayim's social media: