Photo Credit: Michael Lax Photography
Lombard Street in the Marina may lack the pizazz of its parallel neighbors, Union Street and Chestnut Street, but it now has something very enviable: a sparkling new and spacious Barry's Bootcamp—the largest on the West Coast. This haute new studio opened its doors on Dec. 19. We were there bright and early for the inaugural class taught by VP of fitness development, Erica Stenz, who kept the Barry disciples energized to the max for the full 60 minutes.
By now certainly you've heard of Barry's Bootcamp, an amazing workout that debuted in West Hollywood in 1988 and made its way to SF in 2014. Maybe you've been to the SoMa outpost, or another locale. (Barry's is in five states and the United Kingdom and Norway.) Whether you've never been or are a devotee, we suggest you make your way to the Marina to check out this dazzling 6,500-square-foot studio (equal in size to its new Hollywood studio) and experience the high-energy, calorie scorching cardio and strength training interval workout for yourself in the new digs.
Located at 2265 Lombard, in a historic building that has stood since 1927, this Barry’s is going to quickly become the place for Bay Area athletes and hardcore fitness enthusiasts to sweat, socialize, and see and be seen. The space is bright and striking with 25-foot-high open ceilings that expose the old growth timber redwood trusses of the original building construction. The comfortable yet sleek lobby was designed with a communal vibe and includes a spacious seating area to encourage mixing and mingling before and after classes, a representation of the brand’s hallmarks of fun, fitness, and community. Trust us, you will be sharing sweaty hugs with the other Barry's faithful.
You'll also enjoy an elevated lifestyle experience that extends beyond high-energy workouts to include upscale amenities such as complimentary WiFi, towel service, stylish retail, and luxurious men’s and women’s locker rooms complete with imported Italian fixtures and design, eight private showers, high-tech appliances, vanity areas, hair tools, and coveted Malin + Goetz beauty products. You'll need to replenish your body after a class and thankfully Barry’s signature FuelBar is right there to offer freshly made smoothies to restore the body and inspirational sayings designed to pump you up or congratulate you after your incredible workout. You can even order your drink before class so it's ready for you as soon as you walk out of class.
The fitness area within the studio is more than 1,500 square feet with a state-of-the-art sound system and trainers whose fierce playlists elicit a nightclub-inspired ambiance. Barry’s classes combine 25-30 minutes of interval-based cardiovascular routines on 24 customized Woodway treadmills and over 28 benches for 25-30 minutes of specialized floor workouts using free weights, resistance bands, medicine balls and more.
The Marina studio fits 55 to 60 people, as opposed to SoMa's 43. There are also more showers and lockers, and more space overall. The fun factor remains the same! Don't let the "bootcamp" term frighten you. The studio is filled with fun, upbeat music and inspirational trainers–a far cry from the preconceived notion of a typical boot camp experience. You'll love this efficient full-body workout that is delivered in an upscale environment that’s as supportive and motivating as it is sexy and fun.
"The beauty of Barry's is it's for everybody of all levels," says owner and Marina resident, Adam Shane. "The triathlete can come and get an amazing working. My wife, who just had a baby two days ago, can come and start walking, getting back into fitness. We've got the baby boomers who come here all of the time and are just walking or running at their own pace. Having all of those people in one room at one time working out together is amazing. It's unique in that sense. There aren't a lot of exercise places that have that wide range of demographics to work out together—and everybody gets something out of it."
If you're a newbie, Shane suggests arriving early to walk through the fitness area and get comfortable with the surroundings.
"A lot of people are intimidates or scared because they hear Barry's is an intense workout because it's high intensity interval training," Shane says, "but interval training is the best style to work out because it keeps your heart rate up and builds muscle, which burns fat."
Justin Roja, a partner of Barry’s San Francisco, adds, "People get the Barry's Scaries. It's cute to say, but it's very real. We want people to listen to what their body is telling them, to go at your own pace and we're going to encourage you the whole way through. If people are sprinting and you need to jog or walk, we're going to be with you on every step of the way. If you want to work out harder, then go for it!"
In the end, Shane says, "Don't let fear get the best of you. The mantra is on the wall, 'If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.' "
Look for more Barry's to open throughout the Bay Area. Additional locations are planned for the city of San Francisco, Marin County, the Peninsula and East Bay over the next few years. Barry's in the Marina is open 365 days per year. Visit www.BarrysBootcamp.com for schedules and more information.

Photo Credit: Michael Lax Photography