Entrepreneur, Haute Partners | July 5, 2023

Up-Close And Personal With Alexandra Bokova

Entrepreneur, Haute Partners | July 5, 2023

You know Alexandra Bokova best as a mermaid trapped in a psychiatric facility in the critically acclaimed arthouse Mermaid Down. This summer she gears up in full prosthetics to star as an alien in upcoming sci-fi Alien Planet. Before we get to see her in action as an extraterrestrial creature, it’s time to get to know the girl behind the tail and masks.

Born in Stavropol, Russia, Alexandra Bokova comes from a family of artists. Her grandmother Alla Bokova was an internationally acclaimed actress and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Following her grandmothers footsteps, Bokova got her start in acting at age 7, performing on stages in theatre and a local children’s TV show in Russia. After immigrating to the US, she decided to make a move to Los Angeles to pursue her dream of being a full-time actress. Bokova has been working ever since. Here, she discusses her journey to becoming a rising star in Hollywood.

What is your most memorable moment on set or during filming?

I think it’s when I was on my first job in LA, which was an extra on a big production. We were in the middle of Hollywood, I remember seeing the Hollywood sign in the background, and loads of people, actors, crew. I remember thinking wow, I’m finally here. I am finally doing what I’ve always wanted to do. I’m finally at the place where I’ve always imagined I wanted to be. And moments like that, you just feel especially lucky to be in America, an American, and have all of those opportunities at our fingertips. I think as an immigrant, you are always especially aware of that and exceptionally grateful of what you are able to pursue. I’m not just talking about Hollywood. I’m talking about overall, just the opportunity to decide when, what, and whom I want to be, having that freedom. That is priceless.

What is something that most people don’t realize about you?

I can wiggle my ears simultaneously and individually- very important distinction. I haven’t yet found a role that requires it. But when I do, I’m all set.

What is your audition process like? And when you get a role, is there a particular process, or a ritual you practice before a performance?

There is a very important sacred ritual it’s called preparation. I like to know a character inside out, I like to personally rehearse, not necessarily with other actors, have different ideas and options. Digging into the script and giving yourself room to improvise and be native to your character. Of course you have to play off your scene partners, play off other actors and be present, that is the most important. But you also have to be prepared to take direction and be flexible with whatever changes come your way, while being out of your head and absolutely confident in your moves or instincts. This way no matter what’s thrown at you you are ready to rock n roll. For me, it brings confidence and allows me to live freely in character. So that’s my cheat cheat. There’s no such thing as being overly prepared.

Is there any role that you would absolutely never agree to do?

I don’t have a particular concept of what I will or will never do, as far as my work is concerned. I’m very curious and inquisitive by nature. I am interested in people and in things that are often very different from myself. Starting off in this field, my priority has always been to not allow myself to be pigeonholed into a particular category. I always wanted and still want to show my versatility. Who I am in my everyday life doesn’t necessarily reflect the characters that I want to portray. I want to work on exciting projects and what that means to me is either with filmmakers I speak the same creative language with, or an interesting script, or something very peculiar, or something that just seems fun, exciting and challenging. I don’t have any particular model but have to approach my work as a business, which it is. In the words of the greatest- there are no small roles just small actors.

Is there a role you wish you could do over?

Probably all of them, mostly because I had a great time filming. Also for actors, we are our tool. It’s natural for humans to constantly change so our perception shifts. The way I would approach a character now is way different than the way I approached a character at a previous stage of my life. I am different now than when I was filming Alien Planet, for instance. It’s a mind trip to put your all into something, live it for several weeks and then have to just walk away from it forever. That’s what filming is like. Plus, you have no control of what makes it into the film after. It’s a strange love affair, acting. Then there’s the over-thinker quality of being too critical of myself. But that’s the thing with life and art, you do your best and move on.

What is the ultimate goal in your career?

Get a chance to work with some of my heroes in the industry, make a decent living doing what I love. Make my family proud, especially Heathy, create a body of work I can be proud of, and be ok with myself at the end of the ride.

Written in partnership with FM

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