Health, News | December 24, 2018

Fitness Tips & Tricks To Jumpstart The New Year From NYC’s Top Trainers

Health, News | December 24, 2018
With a new year comes new resolutions that can often be taunting and intimidating. We spoke with some of New York’s top trainers, coachers, and boutique fitness studio founders to gather up crucial pieces of advice to carry with you into the near year. Whether your goal is to develop a new workout routine, enhance a current routine, or completely start from scratch, their words of wisdom will be sure to help you kick off 2019 strong.
0Photo Credit: Tone House

From Tone House founder, Alonzo Wilson:

I suggest setting a small and attainable goal. Instead of resolving to lose weight, make a goal to run one mile a day or do 50 push ups a day. Set goals you can accomplish without putting a lot of unrealistic pressure on yourself. To keep yourself motivated, plan a trip so that you have that you have something to focus your training on.

From Flywheel Director, Talent Operations, Precision Training, & FlyBarre Master Instructor, Chelsea Gentry:

After all of my years coaching clients individually and in teaching classes, I think the best advice is to do more of what brings you joy. If there is an instructor who inspires you, or if there is a type of workout that brings out a part of yourself that makes you feel strong, sexy, and motivated, do more of that. It doesn’t matter what it is. What really matters is how you feel. Pay attention to that, and then bring someone else along with you. Everything good is amplified the more it’s shared.

From Equinox instructor, Gina DiNapoli:

The first two weeks of January, you’ll probably still be on track with the meal or work out regime that you outlined for yourself. My advice would be to plan hardcore for weeks 3, 4, and 5. Look at your ClassPass options or favorite instructor and make yourself a calendar that’s far out. Also, add consistency to the schedule, whether that’s having the same smoothie on Mondays or going to the same spin class every Tuesday.

Photo Credit: Project by Equinox

From BODYROK instructor, Zach Bergfelt:

Enjoy the holiday and new year! One day is not going to make or break you. The more you stress about holiday eating, the more you are likely to over indulge and feel sluggish. Start getting active NOW, even if it’s a 15 minute walk on the treadmill and 5 minutes of weight work. My go to trick is finding a friend and trying different workout classes each week. It keeps my muscles fired up and a great way to connect with friends. Moving your body everyday is essential to sustaining a healthy and happy lifestyle!

From SWERVE and Fhitting Room instructor, Jason Tran:

As the New Year approaches, it’s important to pick a workout or routine that you actually ENJOY doing that way you can look forward to it everyday and it doesn’t feel like a chore. Also, find a buddy who’s encouraging that will help hold you accountable. Last tip, pick a convenient location to workout so you can’t blame delayed trains and wintry weather. Personally, my gym is 1 block away from me so I never have an excuse!
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From certified trainer and creator of bodē nyc’s signature hot HIIT class, Monique Cross:

Going into the New Year, it’s very important to set achievable, realistic goals to avoid feeling defeated. Buddy up with a friend and help each other stay motivated, Also, it’s very important to let go of any guilt about this past year’s indiscretions. New Year’s resolutions are only achievable by looking forward into the future without any 20/20 hindsight.

From Mile High Run Club coach, Hollis Tuttle:

I always recommend writing down your fitness goals, as well as, the reason why you wish to achieve each goal. It is incredibly important to know why you are doing something, especially when your motivation to workout drops. To ensure that your goals are kept top of mind, keep them in a highly visible place, like your bathroom mirror or locked phone screen. Be sure to keep track of your progress to help maintain momentum and reward yourself once you have achieved your goal.

Even better, enlist a friend or group of friends to start a new fitness routine with you. Fitness with friends is always more fun and you can help hold each other accountable. Increase the “fun factor” by creating a challenge with a sweet prize for the winner.

Gift yourself a month membership or class pack at your favorite fitness studio. You will be excited to go to class and since you have already paid out your hard-earned cash, you will be that much more inclined to attend class.

From Senior SoulCycle instructor and founder of East Side Dance Co., Trammell Logan:

Create a habit and stick to it. Try to find time in your week and your schedule to take a new group fitness class and hold your self accountable to attending. Get ample amounts of sleep especially during the cold weather months. Pack healthy snacks throughout the day such as a fruit, nuts (almonds) and lots of electrolytes for hydration.

0Photo Credit: Lyons Den Power Yoga

From founder of Lyons Den Power Yoga, Bethany Lyons:

Post a quote of the week on your bathroom mirror that you will see every morning. Change it out on Sunday nights when you plan your workouts & food shopping for the week. Make a “winnable gap” victory list – basically small steps that you can do toward the bigger goal of getting healthier: (1) swap out creamer for almond/oat milk in my coffee this week (2) take one new class /try one new workout with a friend Each “win” – reward yourself with something small like a 10-minute chair massage or a new sports bra/workout gear. It’s a win-win on a healthier you and self care!

From instructor at Body & Pole, Roz Mays:

Focus on fun – you’re more likely to stick with fitness activities you enjoy! Get to class 15 minutes early and introduce yourself to the teacher. If you’re nervous about trying something new, they can get you set up properly and keep and eye out for you during the class.

From SoulCycle instructor, Lissa Smith:

I think it’s super important to remember that anything we jumpstart ourselves into could lead to disappointment if we don’t carve room for sustainability and error. The new year is a perfect time to give ourselves a restart and refresh. Some days are going to feel great and some days aren’t. Let’s allow ourselves to feel and go through both without self judgement. To a year of learning and growth, Happy 2019!”

0-1Photo Credit: Mile High Run Club

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