News | April 15, 2015

NYC: Anoushka Hempel’s Book Launch at Christies

News | April 15, 2015

Internationally known interior designer Anouska Hempel hosted a cocktail party and book signing at NYC’s Christies, Monday evening.  

Ms. Hempel Lady Weinberg, as she is known, is a renaissance woman specializing in architecture, furniture, landscape, graphics and even fashion design. Interestingly, Ms. Hempel, is also former international film star and television actress in the ’60s and ’70s. She was born in  New Zealand but moved to London in 1962.

Christies, was an apt gathering spot, with a guest list featuring the who’s-wthe ho of culture, art and design worlds. In attendance was decorator Tom Scheerer, jewelry designer Roberto Faraone Mennella, and fashion designer Chiara Boni

marta ibarrondo-helena clunies ross - anouska hempel lady weinberg - susan gutfreund
Attendees of Anoushka Hempel’s book signing event; Marta Ibarrondo,Helena Cunies Ross – Anouska Hempel Lady Weinberg and Susan Gutfreund
priscilla rattazzi-tom scheerer - lisa fine
Attendees at Anoushka Hempel’s book signing, Priscilla Rattazzi, Tom Scheerer -and Lisa Fine
sir mark weinberg- anouska hempel lady weinberg - susan gutfreund
Attendees at Anouska Hempel’s book signing event Sir Mark Weinberg, Anouska Hempel Lady Weinberg and Susan Gutfreund
Roberto Faorona Mennella and Anoushka Hempel Lady Weinberg

The book is published by Rizzoli and the author, Marcus Binney writes: There has never been a designer quite like Anouska Hempel. With the sheer creativity of her work, its originality, its awe-inspiring ambition – and its lasting influence – few contemporary designers approach her importance.  This book is a first: it is both a breathtaking exploration of her achievement; and an authoritative insight into how this entirely original designer works. 

” Anoushka Hempel” by Marcus Binney

anouska hempel lady weinberg
Anoushka Hempel Lady Weinberg at her book signing

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