Anthony Bourdain Reveals His 5 Favorite NYC Restaurants

If you are in any way a foodie, you know the name Anthony Bourdain. The culinary superstar got his first taste of fame with the release of his book Kitchen Confidential “Adventures In The Culinary Underbelly” in 2000. The international success exposed the behind-the-scenes secrets of New York City’s restaurant kitchens.
Bourdain has since risen to superstardom through his series No Reservations, The Taste, and most recently, CNN’s Parts Unknown. His culinary roots however, have remained in his native New York City. While he may have got his start critiquing the Big Apple’s culinary mishaps, the chef is a lover of New York’s diverse palette.
In an interview with The Daily Beast, Anthony Bourdain spilled on his five favorite New York eateries and what makes them so special.
Russ & Daughters:
“Let’s say I’ve been away a long time eating perfectly good food in another country, but I’m not in New York. I’m going right to Russ & Daughters. I’m going to beast some Russ & Daughters.
“I’m going to get bialys and a pile of chopped liver and smoked salmon and some cream cheese, maybe some sturgeon, and maybe some fish eggs–and I’m just going to go berserk.”
Mission Chinese Food:
“For fun, I’m going to Mission Chinese. It’s the most fun restaurant in New York. The food is just delicious. It doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s super low impact.
“At Mission Chinese I drink cocktails with food. My judgment is destroyed by the time the appetizers arrive there. They do these lethal drinks that you would never in your right mind drink in any other circumstance. Mai Tais, really? Why not?”
Osteria Morini & Marea:
“I’ll go to Morini for a bowl of pasta, or if I really want to blow it out I’ll go to Marea, but just for the pasta. Not that the fish isn’t magnificent, but I’ll go in and eat three or four different pastas. If I am carb-loading that would be a good choice.”
Shake Shack:
“Chances are, the first thing I’m doing when I get back if I’ve been away for 12 days—I’m exhausted, I’ve flown from Japan or South America and I arrive at my apartment and I’m just destroyed—I’m calling Seamless to get me some Shake Shack.
I’m having a double cheeseburger naked, please. No lettuce. No tomato. No nothing. Just cheese and two burgers on a potato bun. I’ll have two of those and I’m happy. I’m singing America, fuck yeah!”