Haute Lawyer Member Bruce Lehr is the Ultimate Test Against Prosecutors’ Cases

Bruce Lehr is the founding partner of Lehr, Levi and Mendez, P.A. and has more than 40 years of experience as a criminal defense attorney.

Bruce Lehr

Photo Credit: Levi and Mendez, P.A.

Mr. Lehr recently discussed some of the highlights of his career as well as his philosophy regarding criminal defense law.

Haute Lawyer: How would you describe the moment in your life where you decided you wanted to practice law?

Bruce Lehr: Growing up on the streets of Brooklyn, I was always fascinated by the interaction between the strong and the weak. Those were the contests of my youth; the subject of every street game, and every challenge. When I realized that the strongest was not always the good and just a side, I decided I wanted to get into law where strong or weak, good representation almost always wins. I learned far more as to how to argue and how to convince people on the streets of Brooklyn than in law school.

HL: What has been the proudest moment in your career?

BL: I have had over 360 jury trials and a very small percentage of the clients were actually innocent. I have won far more cases than I should have, but the proudest moments of my career have been each and every time that I walked an innocent client.

HL: What is your favorite aspect of your job?

BL: Convincing a jury of six or twelve strangers that my scenario of possible facts are just as likely as the prosecutor’s. The difference is my rendition of possible facts results in an acquittal.

HL: What would you say to those who might have difficulty understanding how an attorney could defend an alleged criminal?

BL: I do not commit the crime, nor create the reason for the criminal walking out the courtroom door to freedom. I am just a test for the prosecutor’s case. If he or she can prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, then the person gets convicted. If I am able to shine light on the cracks or holes in the prosecutor’s case, and the accused gets an acquittal, then the prosecutor failed to meet his/her burden.