7 Haute Tips To Make Your Personal Brand Soar


“Keeping up with the Joneses” was a show that originated in the early 1920s. Fast forward generations later and we are literally “Keeping up with the Kardashians.” Comparing what we have with celebrities is superfluous at the best of times, but we do it nonetheless. We buy what they have, wear what they wear, date similar people to whom they date, in essence we have aligned ourselves with what these people represents and who we would perhaps like to be.

Sometimes it takes stepping out of our ‘world’ and searching for other points of view and other experts in certain fields that have the distinct advantage of being on the outside and looking in, to gain some perspective and understanding of our need to watch, compare and copy our fellow human beings (especially the famous ones)!

We found ourselves virtually traveling to the other side of the world to connect with a personal branding expert in Australia. Keli Lenfield has taken the typical notion of personal branding and made it well, more personalized. Celebrity is a business whether it’s product endorsements, causes, selling magazines or providing a reference. Who they are and what they represent is always under scrutiny. So how do you transfer this type of exposure and branding onto you, what you believe, what you represent, what you have to offer? In her highly acclaimed book, Everyone is a Supermodel; Secrets for any career based on my modelling experiences, Lenfield identifies and shares the seven core skills that will help you differentiate yourself both online and in person on a global scale. The best part is that among all of this comparison, which is not going to end anytime soon, you learn how to take what is unique about you and use it to be noticed, create opportunities and succeed. “Imagine being in a room with 250 other women (or men) who look similar to you. Now imagine that your qualifications and experience don’t matter and that you probably won’t have an opportunity to talk. How do you compete? How do you get the opportunity to ask for the business?” she states.

These seven core skills can be immediately transferred and adapted to your unique personality, your own style and purpose. More importantly, you don’t need celebrity cred to make it happen.

Skill No.1 – Your Goals and you. Knowing what you really want sounds easy enough, its knowing WHY you want something that can get a little cloudy but knowing this why is what will help you get you out of bed in the morning and keep you going when someone tells you you can’t do something.

Skill No.2 – Your personal presentation. First impressions are alive and well, as so they should be. Knowing how to look after your skin, hair, nails and health says volumes about you and it doesn’t have to cost you the earth.

Skill No.3 – Master your body shape and image. Celebrities have a huge amount of help in this area and you can have your own personal stylist too if you know where to look. When you know how to dress to compliment your shape and skin tone, shopping and dressing ‘your way’ becomes a major booster to your confidence and personal brand.

Skill No.4 – Professional etiquette. This is about basic manners and courtesy in public and in your professional surroundings. They have become a differentiator in the market place and alongside intercultural understanding and knowing how to network effectively, how you build rapport can be the edge you have over your competition.

Skill No.5 – Walk the catwalk. Networking is essential to improve your personal brand. Imagine having half of your work done when you walk into the room. Knowing how to sit, stand and walk correctly gets you noticed the moment you walk into the room and people will want to come up and talk to you. Then you open your mouth and WOW them so be prepared!

Skill No.6 – Camera confidence. Youtube has changed the way we communicate and search for our wants and needs. How you come across on camera can be a deal maker or a deal breaker so knowing how to speak and communicate effectively on camera will allow you to create your brand and build your community online and in person.

Skill No.7 – The Casting vote. An interview or client meeting can be a soul-destroying experience for some, if you don’t know what to expect and are not prepared to ask for what you want. An interview or client meeting should be viewed as a conversation where the ultimate outcome is a win-win-win scenario. The meeting is the opportunity to find out if that outcome is a possibility or if it is a stepping-stone to a better match in the near future. From the moment you arrive to the moment you say goodbye you are being sized up and considered. You deserve to be there, so pay attention to detail and go for it!

Photo via Shutterstock