Jeweler Chris Aire’s Desktop Essentials

Chris Aire Desk

Chris Aire is a man who knows about the finest things in life: diamonds. This jeweler to the stars—who counts Angelina Jolie, Muhammad Ali, Halle Berry and Jay-Z among his A-list clientele—is now offering selling his beautiful baubles in Beverly Hills at his first American boutique. The 1700 square foot space, located on Brighton Way, utilizes the best elements found in Aire’s jewels such as gold, gemstones and diamond lighting. High-profile shoppers will be accommodated with special orders and private rooms. Here is a peek at this Nigerian designer’s desk.

  • My family photos – My family is my motivation and source of inspiration. I think about them in every decision I make and look for their support in everything I do. I keep their pictures on my desk as a constant reminder.
  • A birthday card from my son – I get multiple cards and special drawings from my children, but this card stands out to me because I think it’s funny- I used to think my dad was old when I was his age and it cracks me up to see that now my son thinks the same of me. I keep the card on my desk as a constant reminder that life is transient and time is short so whatever I’d like to accomplish should have a sense of urgency.
  • My Chris Aire Parlay Ambidextrous18 karat signature red gold watch – This watch is part of our new collection and currently my favorite watch to wear. It took a while to complete, so there is the satisfaction of a job well done.
  • Diamond Scale – I am constantly working with diamonds and other gemstones so it is convenient to have the scale close-by to keep things moving along.
  • Muhammad Ali autographed glove – Muhammad Ali is someone I greatly admired when growing up and having the opportunity to meet him and have his organic endorsement for our work is one of the highlights of my career. Although he is a confident and talented man, he is also extremely humble. His humility struck a chord with me and has left a lasting impression. I keep the glove on my desk as a reminder that no matter how successful I become, to never let success change the person I am. Be faithful to my creator and always remain humble and appreciative of other people.