Dori’s World: From Cabo to Miami

After an amazing trip to Cabo, well, six days of sun and three days of rain, I couldn’t decide if I should head to Aspen or Miami. I opted for Miami because I wanted sun! But have you ever flown commercial from Cabo to the states!? Well I had not, and my friend took his plane home early because of the rain and let me tell you, it was not fun! You have to get your bags after customs and first class American Airlines isn’t pretty.

Once I got settled in Miami, I went to the Setai hotel where I saw Alex von Furstenberg, Ali Kay, Lucy Aragon, Seth Greenberg, Travis McCourt, Drew McCourt, Howard and Allison Lutnick, Chris Paciello, Lisa Reuben, Joyce and Simon Reuben, Ron Volk, Lord Robert Hanson, Harry Lefrak, Rickard and Karen Lefrak, Karen Larrain and Blaine Trump.