Beauty and Vaseline

I wanted to share with all of you a couple of my favorite ways to use Vaseline. It really is a great beauty tool and below are my suggestions and tips for looking gorgeous and make-up free.

1.) Kissable Lips

You always want to make sure your lips are supple and moisturized. Slather vaseline on your lips and use a toothbrush to scrub. After about one minute wipe off the excess and voila. Your lips are pink, pouty and really soft.

2.) Eyelashes

I’m not a big fan of mascara, but I know most of my girlfriends are. I prefer to wipe vaseline onto my lashes. This makes them really thick, dark and beautiful. After I do this, I curl them.

Fun fact: The first mascara was made from Vaseline.

3.) A lingering scent

Do you ever find that your perfume wears off while you’re still out? In order to prevent this apply a small, thin layer of vaseline on your wrist, and by your ears before spraying perfume on. This makes the scent last.

4.) Cheeks

I’m a huge advocate of being and looking natural. A great way to add color and still look effortless is to use a little vaseline with your favorite coral lipstick (or blush) and pat it onto your cheeks. It makes you look absolutely radiant.

5.) Eyelids

Vaseline is also nice to mix with eyeshadows, it looks really sexy especially in gold hues that are similar to your skin tone.

enjoy! xx