Agent Provocateur’s $24,000 Playsuit

Agent Provocateur’s Soiree collection features a fancy playsuit that will cost you $24,000. Haute Living takes a closer look at what makes this item so exclusive.

While a “playsuit” may not be your regular run-of-the-mill shopping item, if you’re in the market for one, Agent Provocateur has one for $24,000 that is sure to be a showstopper. As part of their Soiree collection, the playsuit features handmade tassels, Swarovski glass beads and is exclusively available at London’s famous department store, Harrods.

Garry Hogarth, CEO of Agent Provocateur, has said that Soiree customers “show no resistance at the higher price points.” He also notes that some of his high-end customers have spent between $20,000 and $30,000 on the Soiree line each time they visit. While it’s unclear if that is on one item or many, it’s clear that whatever the Soiree collection is offering, customers want it.

Source: Racked