Haute Read: “Faces of the Middle East” by Hermoine Macura

Australian TV presenter Hermoine Macura is one of Dubai’s most popular news anchors. Arriving in the Middle East just after September 11th,  Hermoine decided to journey throughout the region and capture images of the rich cultural intricacies of the people and places which make up the Middle East. The resulting work offers portrayals of the region which go beyond the many misconceived ideas about the Arab world.

The result of Hermoine’s travels is Faces of the Middle East, a collection of poignant works of photojournalism which captures the ancient minority groups of the Middle East. Her images document such groups as the indigenous Arab Christians and the Shia pilgrims  from Iran capturing their continual survival amidst contemporary cultural and political wars.

“I wanted to do an exhibition of work that would break down barriers of human typification and racism. Faces of the Middle East builds bridges between ethnic groups and explores the common thread of humanity that unites us all,” states Hermoine.

Her mesmerizing photographs will entice the viewer to experience another Middle East, one which is laden with the tastes and captivating scents of a world full of layers of history and humanity.

Faces of the Middle East is now available and can be purchased in the UAE at Kinokuniya, Virgin, Borders and Jashanmals.