Cocaine Letter to Nancy Reagan

New documents from former Medellin Cartel master-smuggler have been revealed thanks to a New Times piece published “I, Max” criticizing former First Lady Nancy Regan’s efforts to fight drugs in America.

Responding to her “Just Say No” campaign while awaiting sentencing for transporting 56 tons of cocaine to the United States and helping feds indict cocaine cowboys like Pablo Escobar, Panamanian Gen. Manuel Noriega, and Carlos Lehderm, Mermelstein writes Reagan stating her program was hardly effective in fighting the drug problem.

“The campaign which you have started is excellent but it is just a beginning and is barely scratching the surface of the problem in the country, and not even touching it where it must be hit its hardest. I am referring to Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru,” writes Mermelstein.

In 2006, after viewing Cocaine Cowboys, aspiring filmmaker Brett Tabor went searching for the documentary’s most fascinating but little known character Max Mermelstein. America’s cocaine King had been in hidiing for nearly 25 year, and it wasn’t until after a tireless search by Tabor did Mermelstein come out of hiding.